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A surprising byproduct of the Great Inflation Era, anyone?

In the age of hyperinflation, American vendors have had to come up with new ideas to increase revenue and cut expenses, including some amazing ways to utilize waste. Some consumers responded, “That’s disgusting,” while others thought, “That’s cool. Christy Williams sells a handmade soap at her health food store in Ocean City, Md. The unusual […]

A surprising byproduct of the Great Inflation Era, anyone? Read More »

How one of the world’s most famous restaurateurs is forging ahead in the restaurant winter.

Will B. Guidara has a lot on his hands. In addition to a new book due out in the fall of 2022, a growing hospitality consulting business, and his “Welcome Conference” returning to New York and landing on HBO Max – the restaurateur is on a roll. “If it wasn’t for the new crown, I’d

How one of the world’s most famous restaurateurs is forging ahead in the restaurant winter. Read More »

Speculation and Long-termism in the Crypto Industry

The recent bear market in cryptocurrency and the falling tide of digital collections in the country have brought worries to people’s vision of Web3.0. Between speculation and long-termism, then, how exactly to look at the current crypto industry?NFT, Metaverse, Blockchain, Web3.0 …… Every time these concepts of blockchain and cryptocurrencies have appeared in the past

Speculation and Long-termism in the Crypto Industry Read More »

The Big Yellow Duck has been on fire for 16 years, but it still has a secret

The Big Yellow Duck has returned to Victoria Harbour. Setting off from Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in 2007, the Big Yellow Duck has drifted on waters all over the world, visiting France, Sydney, Osaka, Seoul …… and, in 2013, Hong Kong. Ten years on, and in the 16th year since his round-the-world journey began, the Duck

The Big Yellow Duck has been on fire for 16 years, but it still has a secret Read More »

With Bill Gates on a farmland buying spree, is farming the next market windfall?

On the premise of global hyperinflation and economic downturn, the rich, led by Bill Gates, are investing heavily in agricultural land. I’m afraid that “food for the world” isn’t just a load of crap. In an uncertain 2022, the Russia-Ukraine war, inflation or global supply chain crises all point to one thing – food, the

With Bill Gates on a farmland buying spree, is farming the next market windfall? Read More »

Anaya North Shore, the birth of a knowledge-based community

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the pioneers of modernist architecture have envisioned a variety of community life samples that eliminate the traditional notion of neighborhoods and streets – a network of three-dimensional intersecting roads, public spaces that become the foundation of daily life, ample open-air spaces for activities, and independent and interactive residential

Anaya North Shore, the birth of a knowledge-based community Read More »

City Walk is on fire, how is it different from walking around your home?

Walking is a simple and direct way to connect with the city, no matter what name you give it. No matter what name you give it, whether it’s walking, jogging, or the fancy City Walk, City Walk, often translated as urban wanderlust, has been on fire on social media again lately. Because it’s not a

City Walk is on fire, how is it different from walking around your home? Read More »

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